Friday, October 24, 2008

uh-hem... RECYCLING

*grin* ... hm... let's post something serious today..

RECYCLING !!! Came across something really interesting about recycling in the net. (triggered by a customers not wanting her purchases to be put in plastic bags)

Did you know…

· 1 recycled tin can would save enough energy to power a television for 3 hours.

· 1 recycled glass bottle would save enough energy to power a computer for 25 minutes.

· 1 recycled plastic bottle would save enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for 3hrs.

· 70% less energy is required to recycle paper compared with making it from raw materials.

So think twice b4 simply throwing away stuff k?

Major resolution next year (but can start nowlah) : The recycle more... if i can do it... so can u.. lets try to use Mother Earth resources carefully. ( i know i know.. lame right? but true mah...)

thumbs - MoMo*Chin


CNLEE said...

Yeah, but the house starts to look like a rubbish dump. I have accummulated plenty of recyclable stuff but never seem to find time to dispose of it. Lame excuse for procrastination of course.

Unknown said...

good on you, momochin. It's so much easier to recycle here than back home. There's a lot of support and commitment from the govt + people on environmental issues and protection over here.

Going green seems to be the 'in' thing at the moment. Have to la, at the rate we're destroying our planet.

Evelin said...

I try not to take plastic bags for small items that I buy too. At least one less plastic bag circulating around.

I hope more people are more aware and step up on recycling :)

~MoMo*Chin~ said...

nowadays i try not to take plastic bags too.. and re-use them if possible. even when i tar pau mixed rice.. would bring my own container instead of using their disposable polystyrene boxes..

~MoMo*Chin~ said...

and if I'm not mistaken there's this 'go green'(not sure wat they call it) points awarded to tesco customers if they bring their own plastic bags instead of using tescos. not sure wat they use the points for though.. probably change it for vouchers and stuff.. which is a good way to encourage the price conscious aunties recycle as well??

Unknown said...

Some supermarkets are charging people for plastic bags, and there's one that doesn't provide plastic bags at all. Invest in grocery bags - i use them all the time now.

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