Friday, July 10, 2009
Posted by thumbs at 11:59 AM 2 comments
Labels: Holiday
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Upcoming Events
One of the perks of working in the retail line of this business is to get the opportunites to go for seminars.
CPE (Continuing Pharmacy Education ) we call it. They are programmes, seminars or workshops to reinforce our knowledge and update us to newer results of recent clinical trials or findings. *(or brainwash us into selling more of the products by the company sponsoring the trip - which i think is the MAIN purpose.. haha)*
These workshops usually last for 2 days.. and the beauty of it is... u get to stay at 5 star hotels.. eat great food at the price of nothing !! Yup... it's absolutely freeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
You seldom get these 3 words in a sentences right? 5 Star hotel, great food & free!!! But it's happening !!!
I'll be going for one end of the month! YAY!! It's been awhile since i've been to one. And it's going to be held in The Westin, Langkawi... Can't wait!! Air tickets and all have been paid for.. all i need to do is to pack up and go!!!
Well.. something to look forward to.. although there will be some studying going on, but it's just going to be a day of work... i still get time to rest & relax. Probably visit thier SPA for a relaxing treatment... Oh... to walk along the beach at sunset... hm... sounds really nice right?
thumbs - MoMo*Chin
Posted by thumbs at 9:38 AM 3 comments
Labels: Holiday, Random Updates
Friday, June 5, 2009
Road trip!
It's Queen's birthday on Monday - long weekend!
Going for a 3 day trip to a small coastal town called Mallacoota with a few friends. It's just over 500km from Melbourne and surrounded by a beautiful national park. Can't wait to get away from city and immerse ourselves in nature for the next few days. We're going to stay in a cabin-style accomodation (I think) that is situated by a lake (if I remember correctly). There's gonna be lots of bushworking (I hope) and other activities (that we have yet to plan). First stop tomorrow - Information Centre to see what we can do there. Apparently there's a good walk up a peak that gives a good view of the surrounding lakes and coastline. There's also gonna be lots of eating because we went a little bit excessive with food, as usual.
Everything's all packed and organised. Hopefully the boot's going to be large enough for all our stuff. Hopefully the weatherman's got it wrong this time about the rain and wind that threaten to accompany us this weekend. Hopefully we'll start on time tomorrow (knowing the history of our previous trips). Hopefully I've remembered to packed everything I'm suppose to bring.
Irregardless, it's gonna be a great road trip! Roadtrips in Australia are fantastic. The roads are generally good, maps are reliable, there're information centres almost everywhere with a wealth of local information and it's generally pretty safe. It's a huge continent with lotsa interesting places to visit - the coasts, quaint little towns, lots and lots of national parks, the great outback etc. The distance is one thing to get used to - it's a pretty big country after all- but the journey is very much as enjoyable as the destination itself.
Thumbs - daisyboo-
PS Momochin: I actually left instructions for my cousin to collect daily ingredients for me - "wu yao ke jiu" liau
Posted by thumbs at 11:27 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Chicken a la carte
Came across this short film a while back that illustrates an example of the socioeconomic inequalities that exist in many societies today - inequalities that are avoidable, unjust and often a matter of life and death.
Around 1.2 billion people around the world live in extreme poverty during this period of great affluence and modern technological advancement. These people struggle every day for survival, suffering in dignified silence that go largely unnoticed.
It is difficult to imagine what opportunities exist for the children potrayed in the film (and elsewhere) if they are denied the basic headstart in life - health and nutrition, adequate shelter, education, to name a few.
We don't have to look too far to witness these inequalities, there are plenty behind our backyard - the urban poor, rural and indigenous communities, illegal immigrants etc
- daisyboo-
Posted by thumbs at 8:59 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Names….what’s in a NAME ??
Both Hubby and myself have finally chosen a name for our darling baby gal….HALF NAME actually…haha !!
~ Kristen ~
Canggih ?? Sophisticated ?? It’s sounds nice and besides…not that common…so it’s confirmed !! :)
Kristen origins from a Latin word, meaning ‘ follower of Christ’. Thought that would be meaningful…although we didn’t checked it out whether was is a Catholic name. It goes well with hubby’s surname too….and like what * Momo Chin* says….it’s K…in the middle….just nice.
We are still in the midst of finding the Chinese name…..been slacking on it since we both are ‘bananas’….
Got some help from colleagues and friends who knows the mother-tongue…
It’s HARD…..not too mentioned, we have to translate it to Cantonese since Hubby is a Cantonese. All the pronunciation sounds weird in Cantonese.
I was thinking of :
Su Lynn ( NOT Su Lin – too Chinese )
Don’t know what it means….but I like the LYNN – sounds more English…and not too Cina…. Hahaha….
Our daughter ( Yes….doctor confirmed it again recently during my 8th month check-up that it’s a GIRL !! ) will be the First Girl in the THAM family. So, there isn’t any Chinese names to follow ….
We get to pick ANY NAMES that we like…..sounds easy enuff huh ??
Maybe my mum n ah ma can help – should ask them soon before the baby pops !!
Anyway…..if anyone has any idea….do drop a comment or two yah….
Love ,
~Prettilly Auntie
Posted by thumbs at 9:51 AM 4 comments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Names Names Names
I had always wondered how my name came about. According to mum, it was my grandmama who actually named me.
I love my name.. and think there's great meaning behind it. But whether it reflects the actual person.. hm.. i would like to think so...
Since one of is going to welcome her little girl soon... thought it would be nice if some of us could give suggestions of names for her..
Whether or not our dear ~prettily aunty~ uses it... it will depend on her...
But our main purpose here is to list down a few names .... giving her other options in naming her precious...
1) Kendra ... ( i really like this name... and it goes well with Tham right? haha... and it's in the middle... so your kid won't be called 1st or last aphabetically)
2) Emma ... (one of my fav as well )
3) Grace ... is another all time fav... hopefully she grows up graceful and beautiful...
Hm.. can't think of any at the moment though....
Hey girls... any other suggestions???
thumbs - MoMo*Chin
Posted by thumbs at 5:03 PM 4 comments
Labels: Baby, suggestions
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Artsy fartsy smanchy....
.... whatever that means *shrugs*
I've been making cards.. quite a lot lately. Been therapeutic. Takes my mind off things that I shouldn't put too much attention to and shifts my attention to be more creative & hopefully make the people who purchased or received my cards --> happy :)
This is not going to be a post with many words... rather, it'll be one with many pictures. Hope you enjoy it :)
~ Artsy*T
Posted by thumbs at 6:39 PM 4 comments
Labels: handmade cards
Being PREGNANT !!!
Being PREGNANT !!!!
8 months now and still counting …..
Pregnancy .......what a wonderful thing !!
It’ s a beautiful process ….imagine a tiny human being…alive in YOU !!
How GREAT the LORD is….what an amazing creation !!
These words have been on my mind since the day I found out that I was expecting with my 1st baby.
Both Hubby and me are blessed with a baby girl…all things PINK and PRETTY !!
The past 8 months just zoomed passed. Praise God , it has been quite a smooth pregnancy. No morning sickness , not much of cramps and no cravings. I also didn’t put on much weight…..only about 5kg up till my 7th month….was kinda worried about the weight but the Dr said baby is in the correct size n is healthy. Thank God for that !!
After all…the baby’s health matters the most….
Already…the baby is my priority ( of course Hubby Dearest is still very important and dear to me :) ) Each time we go somewhere…Hubby will always make sure I hold on to his hands… carry my bags ( I like to take lots of things whenever we go out etc like ‘pindah rumah’ …..chauffer me around ( my car mileage has been stagnant for quite a while since I no longer drive that often )…..and list goes on…
Shopping , my fav past time ….revolves around baby stuff… more clothes for daddy and mummy…it’s all for the BABY NOW !! You should check out the clothes that I have bought…the hair ribbons and headbands ….the stockings n mittens n booties….all so pretty and lovely !!!
As the due date draws nearer, I’m getting more anxious…can’t wait to see my baby gal !!
I pray that my little darling will be healthy, fully-formed with all senses intact….pray that she will grow up to be taller than the mummy ( thanks to daddy’s genes ) and pretty like the mummy ( haha…. :) ) Most importantly, pray that she grows up to be wonderful person, with both inner n outward beauty….
Wish me " A safe delivery !! "
~ Prettilly Auntie ~
Posted by thumbs at 10:47 AM 3 comments
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Oops, I forgot about the title
When one forgets the username and password for this blog, there're 2 options she can think of: rummage her mailbox to look for them in one of the hundreds of emails, or ask her friends.
Which one? It has always been her policy to find the solutions herself before asking for help. But then hundreds of emails....... hmmmn....Maybe ask her friends? But then, sure kena one!
Thank goodness she has been lazy at deleting her emails.
Come to think of it, this probably reflects how 'often' she updates this blog and how 'blur' she can be at times. And she's still pretty blur after all these years.
For some reason this morning, she makes the effort to turn up 10 minutes early for a lecture, only to find the lecture theatre empty. Ahh, maybe it's the wrong street (after all Queensberry + Bouverie St sounds alike). So she went there, only to find the room empty again. "Maybe it's the wrong floor and maybe it's a good idea this time to check the venue in the computer lab". She found it finally and the class was right next to the computer lab.There was also the airport story - nothing dramatic. It was one of those cases where a sequence of events led to the outcome - I think they call it the "Swiss Cheese" model where you stack multiple slices of cheese side by side and failure occurs when the holes are momentarily aligned. So she turned up 4 hours early to the airport (to catch a free ride) and decided on early check-in. She took this budget airline for the first time and assumed budget arline = budget counter check-in. And of course the computer system had to break down that morning, resulting in a long long long queue. She's got 4 hours, nothing to do - why not join the crowd. So after ~1.5 hours later when she was nearly there and could actually see the signs above the counters properly, it strucked her that she couldn't see the name of her airline. She found it eventually -few counters away, just opened, a totally different queue - much much much shorter.
And her stories go on and on......etc etc etc
It's neverending.... like how she forgot to put in a title for this post a few minutes ago.....
thumbs - *daisyboo*
Posted by thumbs at 9:11 PM 3 comments
Friday, April 17, 2009
My Dates on Weds n Thurs
Ten...ten.. ten...
My dates on both Weds n Thurs nights. AMERICAN IDOL!!!
Like many reality-show freaks out there.. i'm kinda proud to admit i always look forward to these 2 days since JAN. Watching it at least twice per episode.. hm.. i think my mum beat me to it... she watches it 3 times....haha...
Although i haven't been like crazily in-love with any particular contestant like last year.. (u guys know who right?? oh.. DAVID COOK's still the best!!), i still have my favourites....
Hope these contestants would be the final four...
Disco week next week... *feeling a lil' anxious for matt & kris*
How will they do... 2 will be eliminated next... argh.. hope it's not both of them...
thumbs - MoMo*Chin
(pictures taken from
Posted by thumbs at 12:36 PM 1 comments
Labels: american idol, Random Updates
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Rainy Days
It has just started to rain. And as usual, I’m getting sleepy, wishing that I was in bed.
Changed my current status in FB; trying to make this day as productive as possible. This seems to be quite fruitful till now. The rain has come… my customers have gone. And I’m feeling the soothing and sedating effects of the rain & wind.
Sales have been pretty slow for the past 2 month, feeling the pinch of the economic downturn now. Hope bad times like these would not drag on too long. “Have Faith!!! Good times will soon come. Persevere and we will reap the fruits of our patience and hard work.” The phrase which keeps playing like a tape recorder in my mind, reminding and motivating me.
*ganbateh ne…*
*Fighto! Fighto! Fighto!*
Was buried in paperwork and long-winded customers since this morning. Just made a cup of coffee and enjoying the calming effects of caffeine in my system. Life’s simple pleasures.
My blog entry…
Hope it doesn’t sound too relax..making you sleepy reading it. haha
thumbs – MoMo*Chin
Posted by thumbs at 2:57 PM 2 comments
Labels: Rainy Days, random thoughts
Sunday, March 22, 2009
It's been a while
It's been a while since any of us posted any article up here. Momo's the most active, I guess, compared to the rest of us. But even the most active can get disheartened if nobody else contributes.
I know I have been slacking too but I guess I felt 'lazy' seeing just Momo and myself posting. Momo has more perserverance than me-lah :P
What I want to say is, it doesn't take a lot to create a blog, but it also doesn't take a lot to cease its existence. It takes collective action to keep it running, not just on the effort of one person.
We agreed to post anything at all that happens in our daily lives. So, it doesn't have to be earth-shattering news or discovery, dearies, it can be whatever you see on the way to work, how you felt that day, what you did at home (cook, wash, etc), where you went/is going, what movie you watched? It can be anything. Or just a photolog. You can just post pictures. At least it keeps the blog alive.
I have 2 blogs to upkeep, this and my personal blog. It is a little daunting to find interesting things to write for both sites but if each of us are willing to contribute, then I guess it makes the other contributors feel more intrigued to write too. And no, it's not right to blog from work or write during work. You have internet connection at home. Write it at home. Don't use the excuse that you don't use the computer at home. It's whether you want to contribute or not. If you don't have internet connection at home, why not compose the post first, save it and then upload it in the office. That only takes a few minutes and will not jeopardize your career. Some are luckier and am able to blog from work but ah well, life is not fair, ain't it? :P
Will we all take the time to continue this blog? Or will its existence cease slowly but surely in the near future?
Posted by thumbs at 4:55 PM 3 comments
Labels: random grumblings
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
As we grow older, there are times when life suddenly seems so monotonous. Everything seems to revolve around chores, work, obligations and commitments. So much so, that everyday happenings seems to be a routine. A day passes and everything just seems the same. And we go through these daily routines, feeling empty, tired and restless but safe.
Safe because, we know that tomorrow will be the same. Nothing new and unexpected.
Do we still take the time to make changes to ourselves, to make improvements so that we will be a 'better' person when everything is the same?
Do we go the extra mile in our work, in our relationships and perhaps for strangers?
Or do we just go by every passing day, the same person as we were yesterday?
Just a thought to ponder.....
To me, self-improvement is essential.... to do that we need to know how to self-motivate.(and probably a push from friends around us) Improve for yourselves and not for acknowledgement of others.
It may just be the hardest thing you will ever need to do. But eventually, wonderful things would unfold, especially when you least expect it to be.
My resolution of the year :
To learn something new everyday, be it small or significant. Probably jot down in a journal or diary. Anyone want to join me???
thumbs - MoMo*Chin
Posted by thumbs at 7:05 PM 2 comments
Labels: random thoughts, Self-motivation
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Let me introduce a new vocabulary which I’ve learned over the past 3 years in my current workplace.
*drum rolls*
Somehow there are just a group of people who thinks that the person dispensing medication in a pharmacy is called a 'PHARMIST'.
Been called ‘PHARMIST’ a lot lately.
Somehow it’s really getting on my nerves when someone calls me that although it was a good laugh when I 1st heard it.
So I’ve made up my mind to correct the next person who calls me a pharmist…
Oh for goodness sake!! I don’t want to be known as a pharmist.
This is just a presumption how this word came about:
Person dealing with chemical stuff : chemist
Person dispensing in a pharmacy : pharmist
What do you reckon? Guess there are many smart-alecs in the world huh….
So as a warning… no one calls me PHARMIST k??
thumbs : MoMo*Chin
Posted by thumbs at 3:07 PM 6 comments
Labels: random grumblings
Friday, January 30, 2009
BIRTHDAY shoutouts to both DAISYBOO & PPJAY !!!!
A new year has come... and the number 3 is coming nearer too.....
Time for new resolutions and time for reflections.
Have we gone wiser in a year? What have we learn in the past year...
Will turning the BIG 3-0 make any differences?
Life as it is are made out of different phases...
Being Children, teenagers, young adults, working adults, wives and now mothers....
I guess all of us are at different phases of our lives ... and yet being the same age.
Shows how different our paths and visions are...
Makes me wonder how would it be in 10 years to come...
thumbs - MoMo*Chin
Posted by thumbs at 7:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: birthdays, random thoughts
Friday, January 2, 2009
From cuppa to nadda :P
Why the title?
Cos Momo*Chin and Artsy*T were supposed to go out for a cuppa about an hour ago, just because. But they were both enjoying time at home and are too lazy to move their butt out of its surrounding coziness and so hence the title :P
Maybe we've both been out of the house too much, even on our off days that we appreciate the time at home and are reluctant to get out. hehe... Well, I've got hot chocolate and marshmallows in my crib now Momo*chin, so can save on Starbucks. Just head on to my crib. Bring finger food... HAHA..
Oh, I met PpJay and her hubby earlier this morning in IKEA! Lovely suprise :) I saw her from the escalator and thought she saw me but she didn't (!) so I jumped up from behind her... hehe... scared PpJay a little :P She only has eyes for her hubby, that's why she couldn't see me.. haha. Had lunch with them too and managed to catch up a bit :) Thank God there was not that many people in IKEA's restaurant today (or maybe we are a bit early..not sure).
Mr. PpJay was quite the joker... Mr. Artsy told her about this show called IP MAN and pronounced it I-P MAN. So, innocently Artsy*T having no idea what this show is all about went, "you guys going to watch I-P Man?''
To which Mr. PpJay said, "you think Internet Protocal Man, meh? It's Ip Man."
It was hilarious. Ip Man is the name of Bruce Lee's shi fu (teacher). All the time, I had no idea what this movie was about and thought it was I-P man...HAHAHAHAHAHA. Well, at least I provided laughter. For those of you who lived in the crevices of a cave the last 30 years or so and do not know who the heck is Bruce Lee, you can click here.
Anywho, just a short update. Not much creative juice on what to write and I guess this is not the most interesting read.. :P Will be back after charging the brain... heh.
Posted by thumbs at 5:17 PM 1 comments
Labels: blunders and boo boos, bruce lee, Ip Man
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Hey partners in crime... Happy New Year... Wishing everyone a eventful and prosperous new year !!!
Before we start off our new year... what about we recap events which has happened in year 2008.
I'll put up a series of questions and our next blog entry would be based on those questions k??
1) Most memorable event in 2008.
2) Most disasterous day in 2008.
3) Most embarassing day in 2008.
4) Most shocking news received.
5) Most memorable thing about each of us in 2008!!!
So post yeah.... cheers...
thumbs : MoMo*Chin
Posted by thumbs at 9:02 AM 1 comments